dimecres, 4 de febrer del 2009

Obama's, Bin ladens i ORENGO'S

ISK puts Orengo on the spot

Written By:Sophie Mwangi , Posted: Wed, Sep 17, 2008

The Institute of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK) has taken issue with the Lands Minister James Orengo's alleged lack of confidence on Kenyan valuers.

During his testimony before the Cockar Commission investigating the controversial sale of Grand Regency Hotel last Friday, Orengo said Kenyan valuers were not reliable in most cases.

This followed contradicting valuation reports of the five star hotel availed before the commission.

ISK Chairman Mwenda Makathimo on Wednesday stressed that Kenyan Valuers were professionally trained graduates of Land Economics, adding that the Institute's members had undertaken international valuation assignments across the globe.

2 comentaris:

Pedrito Brigante ha dit...

Ja tenim ací l'informe Googirl de Peu d'Angelet. Inconfusible. És ja una marca; amb un simple colp d'ull tothom l'identifica. Després, quan aprofundim, no decep: interessant i rigorós. Gràcies a Peu sabem ara que els Orengo no sols corrompen partits els dissabtes per la vesprada.

jj ha dit...

Havia sentit alguna cosa de que a ma huelo i resta de família els agradava caçar, però jo em pensava que no havien passat mai del Massalari.
Xe quin negre més templat, no pot negar-ho.
Per cert, "Mwenda MakaTHIMO"... Kenyans amb corbata, buf.